Betekenis van:
safety zone
safety zone
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- stukje verhoogd trottoir op de rijweg waar men veilig kan wachten om over te steken
- a curbed area in a roadway from which traffic is excluded; provides safe area for pedestrians
- Nowadays, a safety zone is not always safe.
- Around the focus zone there should be a zone where susceptible plants are inspected regularly (safety zone).
- In this case, the monitoring indicated in Article 4(1) is intensified in the safety zone.’
- ‘danger zone’ any zone within or around work equipment in which an exposed worker is subject to a risk to his health or safety; (d)
- ‘danger zone’ means any zone within and/or around machinery in which a person is subject to a risk to his health or safety;
- ‘danger zone’ any zone within or around work equipment in which an exposed worker is subject to a risk to his health or safety;
- .9 Distribution systems shall be so arranged that fire in any main vertical zone, as defined in Regulation II-2/A/2.9, will not interfere with services essential for safety in any other such zone.
- .9 Distribution systems shall be so arranged that fire in any main vertical zone, as is defined in Regulation II-2/A/2.9, will not interfere with services essential for safety in any other such zone.
- any zone within or around work equipment in which an exposed worker is subject to a risk to his health or safety;
- All susceptible plants in a zone within a radius of at least 50 m around the focus zone shall be officially inspected every two months for a period of at least one year after the infested plants have been removed (safety zone).
- .1 Emergency escape breathing devices shall be carried, complying with the Fire Safety Systems Code. .2 At least two emergency escape breathing devices shall be carried in each main vertical zone
- When an occurrence of San José Scale is recorded, Member States shall demarcate the contaminated area and a safety zone large enough to ensure the protection of the surrounding areas.
- ‘When as a result of the survey referred to in Article 2 not more than two specimens of the organism are found in the focus zone for which evidence is provided that they have been introduced in the year of their reporting, the measures in the safety zone referred to in point (a) of the first subparagraph may be limited to the year of the occurrence of the organism and the year thereafter, provided that no specimens are found in that year.
- No crew member must allow their task achievement/decision making to deteriorate to the extent that flight safety is endangered because of the effects of fatigue, taking into account, inter alia, fatigue accumulation, sleep deprivation, number of sectors flown, night duties or time zone changes.
- When parts of a scaffolding are not ready for use, for example during assembly, dismantling or alteration, they must be marked with general warning signs in accordance with the national provisions transposing Council Directive 92/58/EEC of 24 June 1992 on the minimum requirements for the provision of safety and/or health signs at work (ninth individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC) [1] and must be suitably delimited by physical means preventing access to the danger zone.4.3.6. Scaffolding may be assembled, dismantled or significantly altered only under the supervision of a competent person and by workers who have received appropriate and specific training in the operations envisaged, addressing specific risks in accordance with Article 9, and more particularly in: